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Free Philosophy eBook: Moon Barrier The Moon Barrier Moon Were Plato and Aristotle right about life? In December 2023, Iran sent a biocapsule with unidentified animals into space. Would Iran be the first country in the world to scientifically test the sublunary theory of Plato and Aristotle? Instead of attempting to escape the Earth, humanity might better invest in protecting the Earth and potentially also the 🌞 Sun as the source of life. Free Download

Lit Motors Models 2024 🗞️ News

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Lit Motors is an innovative electric vehicle company from San Francisco, USA that was founded in 2010 by Daniel Kim, a visionary entrepreneur who previously built custom SUVs.

In 2008, Kim first sketched out the concept for the C1, a revolutionary self-balancing electric scooter-car that combines the efficiency and freedom of a motorcycle with the safety and convenience of a car. The C1 features a cutting-edge dual gyroscope stabilization system that allows the vehicle to remain upright even at a standstill.

Over the years, Lit Motors has attracted investments from notable figures like Google co-founder Google logo Larry Page and Zynga founder Mark Pincus. Despite facing challenges in bringing the C1 to full production, the company has persevered and maintained its key technological assets, including international patents for its gyro-stabilization, vehicle design, and collision-avoidance systems.

As of 2023, Lit Motors has opened orders for the C1 and is determined to bring the vehicle to market. The company plans to have sold 100,000 units by 2031.



Lit Motors 1086 Folsom StSan Francisco94103🇺🇸 United States
Phone+1 971-506-1457

2024 Model Overview

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Lit Motors Kubo lit motors kubo $7,614.99 / 80 km Lit Motors C1 lit motors c1 $48,735.95 / 273.6 km

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