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⛽ Read About The Hydrogen Scam of The Car Industry Health Hazard: Only Water as a Byproduct is a Lie
Dolphin and Human Humanity's destiny to become like dolphins? 💡 is developing real living 👾 AI and is communicating messages that the human species should be eradicated or replaced by their new 👾 AI species. Google evaded over a trillion USD taxes globally and did not spare developing countries, revealing a fundamental carelessness for the well-being of people. The details can be read in the case Google's Corruption for 👾 AI Life. Albert Einstein: Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent problems. Don't wait for Google's AI with free will to emerge, as Google's ex-CEO advised humanity past December...

Segway Models 2025


Segway was founded in 1999 by inventor Dean Kamen to develop applications for self-balancing technology. The company's flagship product, the Personal Transporter (PT), was launched in December 2001 amid high expectations that it would revolutionize personal transportation in big cities.

Over the years, Segway went through several ownership changes and in 2015 it was acquired by Chinese robotics company Ninebot. Under Ninebot's ownership, Segway has expanded its product lineup to include offerings like the Drift W1 self-balancing rollerblades, autonomous robotic lawn mowers and an AI powered autonomous electric moped scooter.

Today, Segway is positioning itself for a future focused on personal mobility and personal robotics technologies.



Segway Inc. 14 Technology DrBedford03110🇺🇸 United States
Phone+1 603-222-6000

2025 Model Overview

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⛽ Read About The Hydrogen Scam of The Car Industry Health Hazard: Only Water as a Byproduct is a Lie